Monday, August 24, 2009

Choke Cherries

I don't know about other places but out here in Montana the choke cherries are ripe and ready to be picked. We had a great time a week ago out picking them, there are some great bushes just a block or two away from us right on the golf course. My two boys, my mom and I headed out with some buckets and came home with great anticipation of jelly and syrup.

We boiled the berries and squeezed all of the juice out of them and started cooking. We ended up with some beautiful jars of jelly and syrup and everything actually turned out yummy.

One of my favorite parts was teaching my children what this little contraption is actually used for, and no it is not used for playing in the sand or dirt. But stay tuned for why my mother and learned that we should stay out of the kitchen and stick to the sewing machine.

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