Tuesday, September 22, 2009

The Nappy Bag

If you are looking for the giveaway then scroll down........I had told myself that I wasn't going to post anything until the giveaway was finished but I just couldn't help it! I have been busy and today I finished an all new bag and I have to say that I did it all by myself. I can't read a pattern to save my life! I just don't understand what it is that they are trying to tell me to do and the pictures rarely make sense. But I really wanted to try out one of my new Amy Butler Bag patterns. I usually have my mother do it first and then if she will just SHOW me what to do then I can do it. When she came over today I was just getting ready to "turn" the bag and I got to show her what I had been working on. I was so proud of myself. I didn't have to rip one seam through the entire process and I didn't have to call my mother, not even once.

So here it is, the "Nappy Bag." It is designed to be a diaper bag and it definitely has it's positive attributes. Lots of big deep pockets are always a must with any diaper bag.
If I was to make another bag like this for myself I think that I would nix the pockets altogether and slim down the strap and just make it a fun reversible bag, perfect for the gym or something!

My husband happens to be out of town so my eight year old daughter was my helper tonight and took some of the pictures. I usually try NOT to model the bags, but it is really hard to get the full effect if it isn't on a person. And I was just too excited to wait until the sun comes up tomorrow!

In addition to the nappy bag, these two bags are a couple that I finished the other day. They are perfect for fall with the most amazing rusty orange and bright sky blue. Stay tuned for these bags to be given away (more details to come). As a side note, all of the bags in this post are made with a mid-weight home decor fabric and I have really been enjoying sewing with it.


  1. Your bags are gorgeous! I just wanted to let you know that Amy Butler's patterns are copyrighted. Here's what her website says: "Projects are not to be produced for commercial purposes, nor are they to be made into items for sale." I hate to see anyone get in trouble for this, and thought you deserve a heads up since Krazy Koupon Lady is promoting you. Good luck! -- Amy in ID

  2. That Nappy bag is to DIE for!! I love it. I am hoping to need a diaper bag soon and that it so lovely! You are so talented. I saw you on Krazy Coupon Lady and I will definitely be back
